It Was Jesus Who Set Me Free
Autor: Haldor Lillenas  |  Album: fara album  |  Tematica: Diverse
Adaugata in 25/10/2007
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1. When I was treading the pathway of wrong,
When I was bound by the fetters so strong,
When I had lost all my sunshine and song,
It was Jesus who set me free.

R: It was Jesus who set me free,
It was Jesus who set me free;
Now every chain has been broken in twain,
It was Jesus who set me free.

2. When for my soul there was no one to care,
When condemnation seemed mine everywhere,
When I was bound by the chains of despair,
It was Jesus who set me free.

3. When on my pathway no light seemed to shine,
When I was dreading the judgment divine,
When evil powers seemed all to combine,
It was Jesus who set me free.

4. When I am singing His glory and praise,
Marvelous, wonderful, infinite grace,
That He should suffer and die in my place—
It was Jesus who set me free.

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